The endemicity of Madagascar’s biodiversity is one of the world’s reference. Many protected areas have been set up for the conservation of the nature but also for the alleviation of the poverty.

The Forestry and Environment Ministry of Madagascar with the supports of UNDP and Global Environment Fund promoted the projet called Managed Resources Protected Area. This project aims to strengthen efficiently the conservation and to simulate the economic growth.

The locals have also become stockholders of the management of the protected areas, also in the use and valorization of the natural resources. Ampasindava Reserve contains 1318 species of plants distributed in 159 families. 10 new species have been inventoried by scientists including the Ophiocole sp. nov and the Dichaetanthera sp. nov.

711 species are endemic to Madagascar and 20 endemic to this region. Regarding the fauna, the MRPA project have inventoried the Mirza Zaza lemur and a lizard called Phelsuma vanheygeni. This new protected area has been initially set up by the initiative of the Missouri Botanical Garden.

Request information about a trip to this protected area at http://www.cactus-madagascar.com/


The endemicity of Madagascar’s biodiversity is one of the world’s reference. Many protected areas have been set up for the conservation of the nature but also for the alleviation of the poverty. The Forestry and Environment Ministry of Madagascar with the supports of UNDP and Global Environment Fund promoted the projet called Managed Resources Protected…