Euphorbia stenoclada
Euphorbia stenoclada is the most thorny species of all the Madagascan Euphorbia species.
The apices of all the branches are modified into thorns, at least in the juvenile stages. There are two subspecies, E. stenoclada ssp. stenoclada, widespread in southern and south-western Madagascar, and E. stenoclada ssp. ambatofinandrahana.
Euphorbia stenoclada ssp. ambatofinandrahana (Leandri) Cremers
(Synonym = E. ambatofinandrahana Leandri)
This subspecies is known only from the type locality on cipolin marble hills near the village of Ambatofinandrahana, west of Ambositra in central Madagascar. It grows there at an elevation of 1300-1400 m in association with the dwarf Aloe calcairiophila, the arborescent Aloe capitata var. cipolinicola, Xerophyta dasylirioides, Catharanthus lanceus, and other herbaceous plants.
Plants smaller than ssp. stenoclada, 2-3m tall. Stems monopodial, less thorny than ssp. stenoclada. Branch apices obtuse, covered with yellowish-brown indumentum. Leaves are very small, soon deciduous. Inflorescences globular, cymose, yellow or reddish, with about 60 cyathia. Male cyathia 4-5mm high and 2mm wide, red-violet hairy; glands reniform, concave, violet, stalked; involucral bracts violet, scarcely dentate; male flowers about 60; bracteoles dissected; filaments white; anthers violet.
Female yathia violet, brown hairy; glands red, violet or green with red-violet margin, cup-shaped; involucral bracts violet, dentate, larger than glands; ovary green with white hairs, becoming brown, pedicellate; styles ½ connate, base red, white above, branches recurved, bifid. Fruits obconic, recurved, green, hairy, 6 x 7mm. Seeds brown, about 3mm.
Euphorbia stenoclada sp. ambatofinandrahana is more rare in cultivation than subspecies
Madagascar Wildlife is an extraordinary wonder for nature lovers. L
Euphorbia stenoclada is the most thorny species of all the Madagascan Euphorbia species. The apices of all the branches are modified into thorns, at least in the juvenile stages. There are two subspecies, E. stenoclada ssp. stenoclada, widespread in southern and south-western Madagascar, and E. stenoclada ssp. ambatofinandrahana. Euphorbia stenoclada ssp. ambatofinandrahana (Leandri) Cremers (Synonym…