Euphorbia stenoclada

Euphorbia stenoclada is the most thorny species of all the Madagascan Euphorbia species. The apices of all the branches are modified into thorns, at least in the juvenile stages. There are two subspecies, E. stenoclada ssp. stenoclada, widespread in southern and south-western Madagascar, and E. stenoclada ssp. ambatofinandrahana. Euphorbia stenoclada ssp. ambatofinandrahana (Leandri) Cremers (Synonym…

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Vangidae Family – (Birds of Madagascar)

Vanga is one of the bird’s family in Madagascar. There are 22 species in this family which shapes and behaviors are quite different from one another. The Vangidae are restricted to Madagascar except from the on species found in the Comoros Island. Their habitats varies from the rainforest to the dry deciduous and arid desert…

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Video on the Birds of Madagascar

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The Extraordinary Madagascar – video

A featured video on Madagascar by Cactus Tours Madagascar – a native Malagasy tour operator.

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Air Seychelles is back to Antananarivo

Air Seychelles will resume its traffic to Antananarivo in April, as per their recent declarations after one year of suspension. They will be flying twice a week with an Airbus 320, – Travelers from the USA and Europe  will be able to fly via the Seychelles to Madagascar with almost one stop over only.  …

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Madagascar: Conservation through Cocoa

Although it threatens biodiversity as well as sustainable development, precious wood (rosewood, ebony, etc.) exploitation is a common thing in Madagascar, especially in the uplands of the north and the northeast. Local communities of Sambava, Vohémar, Antalaha and Andapa (SAVA) decided to solve the problem by themselves. They decided to reduce and replace the precious…

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Tsaradia – ready for immediate take-off

Tsaradia – a new sister company of Air Madagascar is now operational and focuses on the domestic destinations. The logo of Tsaradia itself says it all: the lemur, symbol of the Malagasy tourism, a dominant red earth allied to the colors of the sky, the sun and nature, wrapped in a deep (dark) blue color of…

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Madagascar Photo Museum

The Madagascar Photo Museum A mix of vintage and contemporary style The history of Madagascar during a century compacted at the Madagascar photo museum, in Andohalo Uphill, in the old city of Antananarivo name Tana,  the Madagascar Photo Museum is settled at the ex- mayor’s house of Antananarivo. This estate has been brilliantly renovated to…

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Whale Festival 2018 in Madagascar

Come enjoy the Whale Festival 2018 in Madagascar! Don’t miss the Whale Festival that is about to begin in Sainte- Marie, called also “Nosy Boraha”, an amazing island in the east-coast of Madagascar. You’ll see and live breath-taking landscapes and experience fabulous time.  From 12th until 15th of July, the Whale Festival 2018 will be…

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Donation to Asity

Cactus Tours team has donated binoculars to Asity Madagascar, a bird conservation association. The goal to help members to be better equipped in the fields. Cactus Tours is a member of Asity Madagascar as the company is fully committed to the wildlife and birds conservations. Julien Ramanampamonjy from Asity and Rojo Rajaonarivo from Cactus Tours…

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