Category: Conservation

Donation to Asity

Cactus Tours team has donated binoculars to Asity Madagascar, a bird conservation association. The goal to help members to be better equipped in the fields. Cactus Tours is a member of Asity Madagascar as the company is fully committed to the wildlife and birds conservations. Julien Ramanampamonjy from Asity and Rojo Rajaonarivo from Cactus Tours…

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Birding Madagascar at your own pace

Cactus Tours has recently launched a new website dedicated to the birds of Madagascar for birdwatchers. Detailed information regarding the tours and the birding sites as well as the bird species are found there. Cactus Tours has also become a proud member of the African Bird Club since March 2018. Here are the tours list:…

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Endemic plants of Madagascar

A SLIDESHOW 80 percent of the plants of Madagascar are unique to the Island. We invite you to visit this beautiful country with us.

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Aerial photos of the Baobab Avenue – a world heritage

A video of Cactus Tours Madagascar 

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Madagascar Birding Tours

Cactus Tours Madagascar is one of the few Malagasy tour companies, who are specialist in birdwatching in Madagascar. Cactus’ team is wide spread all over the Island and have strong and proven expertise in their own areas. While the normal birding season starts from September to mid-December, with our field team, that time frame can start from June due…

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New coffee plants in Madagascar

The National Research Center of Madagascar FOFIFA have succeeded to create a new hybrid specie of coffee plant which is capable to grow comfortably within the climate conditions of the Highlands of Madagascar. This new specie matches the requirement of global market standards. This coffee called “Ratelo Hybrid” (meany by the Threesome) is the result…

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The endemicity of Madagascar’s biodiversity is one of the world’s reference. Many protected areas have been set up for the conservation of the nature but also for the alleviation of the poverty. The Forestry and Environment Ministry of Madagascar with the supports of UNDP and Global Environment Fund promoted the projet called Managed Resources Protected…

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Biodiversity and Endemism

Biodiversity and endemism, a small clarification is required as the main reasons that world travelers want to visit Madagascar to discover its unique flora and fauna. Biodiversity reveals the natural diversity of the living organisms in the world. Madagascar is home to 2percent of the global diversity. This is a huge bank of genes. That…

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Medicinal plants of Madagascar are threatened to extinction

80 percent of the plants of Madagascar are endemic – which means found nowhere else but only here. More than 75% of the Malagasy people use more or less regularly the traditional medicine due to the richness of the local medicinal plants. But this will no longer be possible in the future as these unique…

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Biodiversity: conservation & development

The Conservation Internationa (CI) has adopted a new strategie since 2010. Some development projects have been implemented withthe local communities associations to assure the preservation the protected areas by reducing the pressure on the forest resources. This program, called NODE, funds some revenue generating activities through NGOs. As an example, the local communities succeded to…

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