Medicinal plants of Madagascar are threatened to extinction

80 percent of the plants of Madagascar are endemic – which means found nowhere else but only here. More than 75% of the Malagasy people use more or less regularly the traditional medicine due to the richness of the local medicinal plants. But this will no longer be possible in the future as these unique…

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Biodiversity: conservation & development

The Conservation Internationa (CI) has adopted a new strategie since 2010. Some development projects have been implemented withthe local communities associations to assure the preservation the protected areas by reducing the pressure on the forest resources. This program, called NODE, funds some revenue generating activities through NGOs. As an example, the local communities succeded to…

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Birdlife preservation

Funds for birding research from Sherrit International Corporation (mining project). A research project on the birds of Madagascar and their habitats inside the Ramsar Torotorofotsy will be implemented during a 4-year period. This mining project, one of the share holders of Ambatovy – a huge mining project extracting nickel inside the rainforest of the eastern…

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Madagascar – amongst the top Sustainable Tourism destinations

An increasing number of travellers are getting interested in the sustainable tourism. This are the opinions of the professionals who have participated at the IFTP Top Resa in Paris this year. The stackholders of the tourism sector in Madagascar are committed to make Madagascar a sustainable tourism destination. The sustainable tourism consists of the preservation…

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The Vanilla Islands

The Vanilla Islands include Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Rodrigues, Reunion and the Comoros. This new concept is very promising as these Islands of the Indian Ocean are reinventing themselves by promoting their common historical past and their exotic vocations as Vanilla Island. Even that vanilla is not endemic to these islands, the quality of their products…

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